Friday, June 12, 2009

The Encore Effect: How To Achieve Remarkable Performance In Everything You Do.

This book examines moving from routine performance to remarkable performance. Remarkable performance can result in money, influence, opportunity, recognition and exposure. Employees should work on becoming both a remarkable person as well as a remarkable performer, as they can’t do one without the other. Every remarkable performance results in other employees moving in positive ways to better places than they were before. The book describes the steps in the Pyramid of Possibility: potential, purpose, passion, principles, persistence, and personalization. Personalization is the highest expression of being remarkable. Employees should be the performance and connect with their audience if they want to perform remarkably.

Source: The Encore Effect: How To Achieve Remarkable Performance In Everything You Do. By Mark Sanborn, 2008, Doubleday, NY, ISBN: 978-0-385-51905-2.